“George Amaral works as a psychoanalyst, writer and researcher. He is a Master and Doctor in Literary Theory and Compared Literature by University of São Paulo (USP), researching fantastic literature and their strangeness devices, especially regarding social and environmental issues. In his Masters he delved into the typical strangeness of New Weird, with his dissertation “Novo estranhamento e consciência política: gêneros literários em Perdido Street Station, de China Miéville”. In his doctorate he turned to ecology and strangest in the context of the climate crisis of the Anthropocene, studying climate science fiction. He is also a Bachelor of Social Communication by ECA-USP, specialist in Screenwriting by PUC-SP, psychoanalyst by SBPI-SP and graphic designer by Escola Panamericana de Arte, SP.
He is co-author, with Ana Rescue, of “”Manual de sobrevivência na escrita”” (Monomito, 2020). He illustrated children’s books published in Brazil, USA, and Norway, and diagramed more than thirty projects. He published the short stories “Momentos Engarrafados” (2012) in VII Demônios collection, by Estronho Publisher; “Código Fonte” (2014) in Trasgo magazine, and “Para onde vamos?” (2022), in Revista Subtextos, as well as the comic strip “O Lobo Mau”, 2009, at Subversos magazine, and Day Old (2009), in an independent publication in the USA. He wrote the short films Retratos Anônimos, 2015 (selected for the 27º Festival Kinoforum) and Depois Daquele Trem, 2014 (shown at Mostra Sesc de Cinema Paulista and at Programa Pontos MIS 2014). He published academic papers in Margem Esquerda magazine, by Editors Boitempo, at Revista Abusões, from UERJ, and at Revista Jangada, from UFV. As a professor of dramaturgy for young people at 1ª Cena project, from the NGO Using de Atos, he supervised the scripts written for Reais Interesses, Escola de Magia, and As Cartas, performed in 2012.”